
Pt. Loma Assembly board members and Bus Drivers visit the Visions Museum of Textile Arts to see work of Cabrillo Elementary School students who participated in the art program.

Work of the Visions Arts Program Students

Point Loma Assembly supports the Peninsula Shepherd Center.  Here's a thank you letter for our support.

Bus Drivers, you are our Heroes!
Say Thank You to Our Cabrillo Elementary School Bus Drivers Early in the planning for our collaboration with Liberty School at NTC, Lynn Silva and Pam Fuchs realized we had a great project but no way to get the children to NTC. We asked for help and the following generous friends responded with $250 each. Please thank our Bus Drivers for making sure that children will have a bus to travel on for the entire school year.
Belle Ann Baker Carolyn Bick Sally Bixler
Barbara Brown Cecilia Carrick & Stan Nadel Maureen Cavaiola
Marilyn Daniels Karen Davis Susan Diamond
Joanne Garner Maxine Garrigues Richard Gilbert
Caroline Glasner Deborah Hall Pam Hamilton Lester
Leslie Harrington Lisa Johnson Karen Kapp
Carolyn Kutzke Vickie Lareau Marsha Mooradian
Mary Katherine Reeber Carol Scragg Pat Seitas
Melanie Sherman Susan Stone

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